Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Of Mice and Men- The title

John Steinback is an author who has many amazing writing techniques and styles. He can really relate to other pieces of writing and it always turns out great, especially for the readers.

I think he got inspired to title his book "Of Mice and Men" from the poem, "To a Mouse." This is because the poem is about a mouse's life who gets turned upside down. All the hopes and dreams; ambitions and wishes, are wrecked. The mouse comes across challenges which he has to learn to face. His life got turned over by a huge plough which permitted him from his dreams and ambitions coming true. This relates to the book as the plot of Steinback's book was about two men who had amazing dreams and ambitions but unfortunately their life got turned around. Therefore, they weren't able fulfill all their hopes and dreams. It was really sad to read the ending and to realize that these two young men weren't able to fulfill their dreams which they had dreamt of and wished for to come true, for their whole life. They were always talking about tending rabbits and owning their own farm. Like i mentioned earlier in this post, Steinback had great writing techniques and styles. Even though the end of this novella was upsetting, devastating and sad, it left the audience with something to wonder about.

I think Steinback is saying that in life, you can dream big and want to achieve lots, but along the way you will probably encounter something which might come in the way of fulfilling your dreams. I think he is saying that you can't expect all of your hopes and dreams to come true. LIfe is full of challenges, and I definitely learnt more abut that in this novella. This is because George and Lennie are two young men who had big dreams and their dreams never came true. A conflict occurred in the story which in a way, stopped them from fulfilling their dream. The one thing that i learnt, is even though their dreams never came true, they never ever stopped believing in them. Steinback is saying that you can have dreams and ambitions, and hope that they will come true; if they don't, then they don't... but never stop believing in your dreams.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Ending to Of Mice and Men

The boys started to search for Lennie, all around the ranch. It was trouble finding him because he was hiding and they had no idea where! They had checked everywhere, but Curley wasn't giving up. He said, "I have lost way to much and i don't deserve this. It's not fair, and I am not going to take it anymore." With that, he was gone. He continued to search.

George was scared. He didn't know what was going to happen. Obviously, he wasn't going to kill Lennie, but what could he do? He asked Crooks, "How do i do this? I can't kill Lennie. He's like my little brother. He wouldn't let them kill me. I have to stop them." Crooks said, "there isn't much you can do, except find Lennie before Curley does. "But if we searched the whole ranch, and couldn't find him....how do you expect us to find him now?", said George. "Is there anywhere were the fella may hidin?.. think George, think!", said Crooks. Immediately, George remembered where we told Lennie to hide whenever he was in trouble. He instantly had a flashback; "hide till i come for you. Don't let nobody see you. Hide in the brush over by the river. Say that over."; he knew where Lennie was hiding. "I have to get to him before Curley does", said George. He kept repeating this over and over. Crooks was very confused. George said "stay here, i will be back in an hour. Don't move!"

With that, George busted out the door of the barn. He ran over to where he knew Lennie was hiding. it wasn't even something that he was unsure of, he knew Lennie had listened to him and was hiding in the brush. Well for now, that's the only place he could think of. But he was doubting himself as he knew Lennie was there! He ran over to the brush down by the river and saw Lennie hiding in it. He also heard the voices of Curley and the other people in that clan. George whispered as high as he could, "LENNIE!!". Lennie, scared as a little kid, turned to see George running over to him. "Oh George, I am so sorry. I had no idea. I didn't mean to... And the only place i could think of to hide was here. I ran here as fast as I could. Oh i am so sorry George, I am so -- Lennie began to cry. "Lennie, I am so glad I found you before those men did. Don't worry Lennie, it's not your fault. It's all going to be okay, its all going to be okay, said George". George put his arm around Lennie and started soothing him and making him feel better. Lennie said, "thanks George. I always knew you were a great friend." "I'll always be here for you, and I won't let anyone hurt you Lennie", said George.

The men started to near, but they neared away from the brush. They had no idea and didn't even think to look in the brush by the river. Lennie and George got up and went back to the barn to get Crooks. The three of them headed back into town. With that, they were out of the ranch. The dream of them tending rabbits on a farm was going to happen, just not at that point. It seemed to be the most important thing was that they had each other as well as their friendship was everlasting. They had each other and that was all that mattered as they accepted each other for they were.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Characters of Mice and Men

Curley's wife, is very flirty and mean on the outside. She thinks she can get away with anything and she has an enormous ego. This is how she portrays herself to the other characters in the book! I find her disrespectful, and I think she thinks of herself a lot. However, on the inside, I think Curley's wife wants company. I still think that she has a big ego; not just on the outside, but the inside too. A well as, I think that she believes she cant have and get anything and everything she wants. She thinks that everything has to be her way.

In my opinion, there are differences between her inner thoughts and feelings and outward behaviours. Curley's wife is very mean and flirtacious on the outside. On the inside, she is only looking for company. It's like the same description that people use to describe a bully. On the outside they appear all tough and as if they know everything and have all the answers; they expect everything to go their way and their way only. They pick on people smaller than them.
However, on the inside, they are described as this small figure who is only looking for a friend. They appear large on the outside, but inside they are just small. This is like Curley's wife. She is mean and has a huge ego (on the inside and outside), but inside, she is only looking for company.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dreams and Ambitions

What your hopes, dreams and ambitions?

My hopes have always been to attend Harvard University and become a doctor. I know it is extremely hard to get into Harvard University but, I think if i follow through with my dreams and ambitions and motivate myself to try to the best of my ability, then everything that I want will turn out right! I also hope to continue helping people in other parts of the world as it would be sad to give up al of the humanitarian work that I have done! I want to be able to help people and live a nice life in the future.

What does your perfect life look like?

I think my perfect life looks like me as a doctor; I have many doctors in my life so there are lots of choices and people who could inspire me in the future. Right now, I am leaning more towards becoming a Pediatrician, but then again, I am only 15, so that could change! I want to have a wonderful family of my own; a nice husband and 3 wonderful kids (2 girls and 1 boy). I want a nice sized house in Long Island , New York.

So in conclusion, my dreams and ambitions are to become a doctor after graduating from Harvard University as well as to always help people in the best way that i can. If that means traveling to Africa to help people who need help, then I want to be able to go! I don't want to give up any of the humanitarian work in the future, because if i can continue it, I can help to make this world a better place. Also, my perfect life is for me to live in a nice sized house in Long Island, New York, with my own wonderful family.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Primary Character

For the primary character, I was asked to write about George. In my opinion, I think George is very strict about what he wants and he may be mean to Lennie at times, but at the end of the day, he is only looking out for the fellow. He is caring in his own ways and he does seem like a great friend to Lennie.

Quotes which describe this:

1) "Hide till I come for you. Don't let nobody see you. Hide in the brush by the river. Say that over." - In this quote, i think George is making sure Lennie understands where he should be when he gets into trouble. George is telling Lennie to hide and then he will come find him. He is obviously very protective and cares about Lennie, a lot.

2) "You got it by heart. You can do it yourself." - He is very encouraging and motivated.

3) "You keep away from Curley Lennie." - I think this shows that George doesn't like Curley and that he is caring for Lennie. He is protecting him because she doesn't want one of his enemies to hurt Lennie.

Overall, I think George is a very caring and protective person. So far, all we can see is that he is protective towards Lennie, but maybe along the way and throughout the novel, he will be caring and protective towards other people. I think he probably already is caring and protective towards others, but we just haven't read to that part yet.

Secondary Character

I chose to write about Curley's wife. In my opinion, I think she is very flirtacious and she flirts to get what she wants. She is very attention seeking, and from how she has been described in the book, it seems like she thinks everything kind of revolves around her. She seems pretty and nice on the outside but i think on the inside, she is really mean. She is nice because she knows people will give her what she wants. Once she gets what she wants, I think she is a mean and stubborn person.

Some quotes which help state my point:
1) She looked at her fingernails. "Sometimes Curley's in here," she explained. - I think in this quote she is trying not to look like she wants attention but she is looking down at her fingernails. I don't really know how to describe it, but i think Curley's wife is maybe trying to distract them.

2) "if he aint, i guess I better look someplace else," she said playfully. - I think she is flirting and trying to have the men become attracted and turned on by her.

3) "Oh!" She put her hands behind her back and leaned towards the door frame so that her body was thrown forward. - I think she is again, trying to turn them on. She is trying to get their attention (if she doesn't already have it).

Overall, I think Curley's wife is very flirtacious and flirts to get what she wants. She likes attention and uses her self to get it.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My bedroom

I have a good sized room. It may be small, but I'm still great full that i have somewhere to sleep. Some people don't have access to a proper area to themselves, to sleep in.

My bedroom consists of a bed, a dresser, an armour, a desk, a night table, a door, a window and a closet! I have lots of pictures in my room. I have a ledge under the window, where i have placed my pictures. I also have a lot of posters in my room. The posters which i have are mostly of Justin Bieber and Taylor Lautner! I am not so much a fan of Taylor Lautner anymore, but I really like Justin Bieber, which is why there are lots of posters of him on my walls. The main colour of my room is lavander purple. I think my room is very roomy and i like it, even though it isn't big.

Geroge and Lennie have to share a room with 8 other people, and I am the only person who lives in my room. Their room has 5 bunk beds, and my room has one bed. Their walls were plain white, and my walls are lavender purple. My room has one recatngluar window and their room has small square windows. They have a door with a wooden handle and I have a door with more of a copper type handle (I think). I don't have shelves in my room and they have shelves on top of their bunks. I have posters all on my walls, and they have lots of magazines; I don't think they have posters on their walls.

As you can see, there are a lot of differences between my room and George and Lennie's room.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Of Mice and Men- Section 1


1.How is section 1 the same/different from your expectations?
2.What dreams/ambitions do George and Lennie have?
3.Do you think their dreams will be fulfilled? Why or why not?
4.Personal reflection on Section 1: likes, dislikes, characters, setting, plot, dialogue, imagery
5.Three questions about what you’ve read so far:


1.I expected this book to be very fascinating and to begin to teach me a lot about life as well as the true meaning of friendship. Obviously, because this is only the first part of the book, I can't exactly say much as happened. Though, so far the book sounds interesting and sounds like a whole mystery about to take place in only a span of 100 pages!

2.Their dreams and ambitions are to have a farm with bunnies.

3.I think there is a possibility of their dreams being fulfilled. I think that they are loyal friends to each other and will stand by one another at all times. In my opinion, i think their dreams and ambitions will come true and they will help one another to make this happen!

4.I like the imagery techniques used at the beginning of the book because it really puts you in a nice setting of where the book is taking place; a very pretty setting. The characters seem okay and sort of interesting, but i guess along the way, I will learn more about them. For the people who were speaking the dialogue of Lennie and George, it must have been hard as they had to implement an American accent/some sort of tone. It was very slangish and the text in the book, looked like it as hard to pronounce.

a.Do they stay friends forever?
b.Does Lennie have a learning disability?
c.How come George is always yelling at Lennie?

Expectations for the book, Of Mice and Men

I think the novel Of Mice and Men is going to be a fascinating one.  I expect it to teach me a lot about real life and friendship, as that is what reviews have said.   From what I have een told, there is a lot of tragedy in this story and it is sad.  Obviously, the book critics cannot give away the ending of the book because it would ruin it for people who want to read it.  But, I would hope that there is a happy ending to this book because in my opinion, those are the best types of books.

So in my opinion, i think this book is going to be an extravagant adventure of two men.  I think George is going to teach Lennie how to be independent because Lennie just copies George with what ever he does.  George is sort of like Lennies inspiration and I think Lennie really looks to George for advice and help.

Once again, this book has been said to contain sadness.  I think the sadness and tragedy will occur by George telling off Lennie.  I think Lennie will become offended and he will leave George.  I think George will go out to find Lennie and they will become friends again.

These are my expectations, and predictions for the book!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Book reviews Of Mice And Men

Hi! My name is Alyssah-Jasmine.Today i am going to be sharing with you, reviews of the book, "Of mice and Men".

The novel, "Of Mice and Men"was published in the year 1937, by the author John Steinback.  The novel is about the friendship between two men, named George and Lennie and the dream they share of owning land as well as a home of their own.This story is basic and it takes places over three short days on a Salinas Valley ranch where George and Lennie found work as farm hands.

Thematically, the author investigates the thought of dreams and how plans can go wrong because of the forces of one's control. Allowed the time in which the novel was written in, his control of over the mentally handicapped Lennie is gentle and compassionate.  The author portrays the setting stunningly and wraps it around the characters who have personalities which become visible through their dialogue and the relationships with each other.  There is ample foreshadowing to be able to assume the ending of the book.


This book is a touching as well as a sad tale of a friendship between two men (in the time of the 1930's). The novel is about dream, struggle, discrimination as well as triumph of friendship and broken dreams.  The author uses subtle characterization to show the workers and their persona (their personality).  "Of Mice And Men"  is a tragedy within such a condensed book, and the author was able to fit all of the themes perfectly into this book.  According Cody0712, the themes used were "misunderstanding, ignorance, hatred, sexism, discrimination of the impaired, prejudice, racism, action, tension, friendship and many more.  The author of this blog thought that this book had so many themes and it was so meaningful at the same time.

The book is a good read for teens and adults as well as for each time that you read it, the novel gives a different views. This story contains of lots of depth and could it could definitely be discussed for a whole lifetime :)

I hope you enjoyed my presentation!! :)

I used this site (to research my topic) :
http://classiclit.about.com/gi/rating/reviews.htm?bvv=&bvid=38a339K005IS&u=/od/ofmiceandmensteinbeck/fr/aa_ofmice.htm&t='Of Mice and Men' Review