Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Primary Character

For the primary character, I was asked to write about George. In my opinion, I think George is very strict about what he wants and he may be mean to Lennie at times, but at the end of the day, he is only looking out for the fellow. He is caring in his own ways and he does seem like a great friend to Lennie.

Quotes which describe this:

1) "Hide till I come for you. Don't let nobody see you. Hide in the brush by the river. Say that over." - In this quote, i think George is making sure Lennie understands where he should be when he gets into trouble. George is telling Lennie to hide and then he will come find him. He is obviously very protective and cares about Lennie, a lot.

2) "You got it by heart. You can do it yourself." - He is very encouraging and motivated.

3) "You keep away from Curley Lennie." - I think this shows that George doesn't like Curley and that he is caring for Lennie. He is protecting him because she doesn't want one of his enemies to hurt Lennie.

Overall, I think George is a very caring and protective person. So far, all we can see is that he is protective towards Lennie, but maybe along the way and throughout the novel, he will be caring and protective towards other people. I think he probably already is caring and protective towards others, but we just haven't read to that part yet.

1 comment:

  1. 1) This is true, George makes sure that Lenny understands, and he repeats it a couple times incase Lenny forgets again.
    2) He's letting Lenny be independent, however, Lenny doesn't believe he can, so George, being a good friend, encourages him.
    3) George is very loving, and he really cares for his friend Lenny, he doesn't want him to get into any trouble.
